Transiting Saturn Conj Natal SN

The past few weeks have been hard – Transiting Saturn conjoined natal Jupiter & South Node in Sagittarius/2nd House.

Dragged onto this new path, which felt right but totally went against logic. There hasn’t been a single day that’s gone by without looking up the sky and asking, “Why do this?”

The path has been uncomfortable to physical well-being (taking massive pay cut from a banking job to join a fintech start-up) and painful emotionally (enduring uncertain prospect and questionable career progression).

A negation of old identity and values.

All for the sake of 17° North Node in Gemini, as the Sabian symbol gives this assuring message:


Can’t be so bad?

“There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path, ” said Morpheus in the Matrix.

Yes, the destination is known (see previous article why this North Node matters) but the day-to-day drama in life can be too heavy to bear.

“Take this cup of suffering from me, ” cried Jesus when he was on Mt Olives. He also followed by saying, “Yet not my will but Yours be done.”

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